Ayurveda-Massage mit 4 Händen. Dauer etwa 40 Minuten. Zwei Therapeuten massieren Sie sanft und synchron mit Ayurveda-Kräuteröl, welches auf Ihre aktuelle Konstitution abgestimmt ist. Diese Massage mobilisiert Ablagerungen, Schlacken und Gifte, fördert die
Ayurveda-Massage mit 4 Händen. Dauer etwa 40 Minuten. Zwei Therapeuten massieren Sie sanft und synchron mit Ayurveda-Kräuteröl, welches auf Ihre aktuelle Konstitution abgestimmt ist. Diese Massage mobilisiert Ablagerungen, Schlacken und Gifte, fördert die

Ayurveda Treatments Holistic view of Ayurveda

We at Sri Lanka Ayurveda Garden and Shakti Villa implement traditional ayurvedic treatments and cures as well as the holistic philosophy of Ayurveda. Our Sinhalese team of doctors and therapists are determined to make their knowledge and experiences accessible to Western people as well - in traditional and original manner.

Ayurveda is the most important medical system of Sri Lanka and has much more to offer than the relief of stress: Ayurveda is a very old comprehensive teaching of health and wholesomeness. At Ayurveda Garden all the ayurvedic treatments are offered in their original authentic way. It is characterised by its adequately trained therapists and the active hospitality.

To maintain an individual treatment of our guests, frequently special herbal preparations are manufactured or individual diets are provided.  To respond to every special need of our guests, we work with excellently skilled Ayurvedic specialists, who can be consult in case of need.

More than the traditional western medicine, Ayurveda depends on the cooperation of the affected person. Open mindness and a strong own will to recognize the inblance in its own life is essential for a successfull therapy. Ayurveda can be a good complement to western medicin. Especially for chronic and functional diseases Ayurveda can promote the healing and improves the qualitiy of life.